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Email migration service


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Why migration


Creation of your Microsoft environment (users, licenses, shared mailboxes, etc.)

At Air Cloud, we build a solid foundation for your digital journey by carefully configuring your users, efficiently managing Microsoft licenses, and setting up shared mailboxes to strengthen collaboration. Benefit from a tailor-made Microsoft environment, optimized to meet the specific needs of your business.

Support (emails, contacts, calendar, etc.)

At Air Cloud, we don't just implement solutions, we guide you through them. Whether it's migrating your emails, transferring your contacts or synchronizing your calendars, our team ensures that the transition is seamless. Make sure your essential data is with you every step of your digital journey.

Switching DNS to your host (DKIM, DMARC, EMX, SPF, Auto Discover configuration)

When you partner with Air Cloud, we take care of the crucial transition of your DNS to your host, ensuring the continuity of your online presence. On top of that, we carefully configure key elements such as DKIM, DMARC, EMX, SPF and Auto Discover to strengthen the security of your communications and optimize the deliverability of your emails. With us, ensure a smooth DNS migration and optimal configuration for your online operations.

Configuring post-migration mailboxes

After migration, work at Air Cloud does not stop. We ensure that each mailbox is correctly configured to guarantee optimal and uninterrupted use. From organizing folders to synchronizing settings, we make sure your communications stay smooth and you can get the most out of your new email infrastructure. Transition smoothly and benefit from reliable and efficient email service.

Training users to use Outlook

Successful adoption of a tool largely depends on the training that accompanies it. At Air Cloud, we offer specific training to help your users fully master Outlook. From the basics to advanced features, our team of experts ensures that everyone in your business navigates with ease and efficiency. With us, turn every user into an Outlook master, thus optimizing your productivity and communication.

Data Security (MFA Activation - Double Authentication)

The security of your data is a top priority for Air Cloud. We implement MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) or Double Authentication activation to provide enhanced protection against unauthorized access. This extra layer of security requires two forms of verification before granting access, ensuring your data remains in authorized hands.

Migration advice / expertise

Digital migration is a journey, and every journey requires expert guidance. We offer much more than just technical solutions; we bring our in-depth expertise in migration matters. Our consultants analyze your needs, evaluate the best strategies and guide you through each step of the process. With our know-how at your side, ensure a smooth transition and an optimized implementation for your future operations.

Post-migration technical support

Even after the migration is successful, we remain at your side. We understand that questions or concerns may arise once the new environment is in place. That's why we offer post-migration technical support, ready to meet your needs and quickly resolve any challenges that arise. With a dedicated and expert team, we ensure that your transition is not only successful, but also sustainable and effective over time.

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